
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

After a loooooong break!

Hi all! How are you doing? I know it's been a long time since I posted anything on my blog. Joining back at work full time and managing a little one who's ready to roll the moment I put him down do pose their own challenges..
And leave alone blogging, I hardly get a chance to even bathe uninterrupted :) Have to be on my toes all the time and plan ahead for even odd jobs. Hmmm.. motherhood is both exhilarating and exhausting at the same time!!

I was itching to bake something for a loooong time and when V got a promotion at work, I got the perfect excuse to hand over the baby to MiL for a while and delved into my own world of sifting and whisking :) Well, I could manage just a simple sponge cake but decided to jazz it up.. I remembered a stencil decoration on a cake in Dr. Sonia's blog which I had wanted to try out. The decoration on the cake is with powdered sugar and using an Itsy Bitsy stencil. How do you like it?

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see you back in blog land Esvee .. stencil design is looking beautiful on cake:)
