
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It's a Baby Boy!!

Yes, it's a loooong loooong time since I posted. But to make up for the delay I want to share the sweet news of the arrival of Nithilan, my baby boy..
He was born on 22 Jan and has turned our lives altogether since then.. How I spend almost every moment of my waking existence is determined by his needs and wishes.

Motherhood is very demanding indeed... Sleep-deprivation, endless rounds of feeding and nappy-changing, managing sudden bouts of unfathomable crying, total upheaval in one's own health, etc etc. But eclipsing all these is the cute smile he gives from his cradle when he wakes in the morn and sees me, when he drifts away to sleep after a feed, when he looks at someone or something and recognizes, and nowadays at many random(?) sights and sounds..

The pic above was taken one night when the little imp was giving me a tough time without any signs of sleeping(despite yawning a LOT), even after I rocked him for an hour.  Quite a charmer, isn't he?? :-)

Well, it has been a year of blogging now.. And my blog is all the more special to me since it was conceived at around the same time as my baby. This joy of having created something of one's own is so much so cherishable as I hold my son in my arms... Hope both of them grow in tandem and I give the attention and care they need at every stage.. all the way..


  1. Oh cute adorable baby :)Happy to see u again... Welcome Back to blogoland!!! Enjoy Motherhood...

    P.S. My kiddo name is also Adithya "Nithilan" (v chose it among 180 pure tamil names and it means pearl which symbolises moon in astrology :)

    1. Wow, thats nice to know :-) Best wishes to Adithya Nithilan from all 3 of us!! And yes Satya, we too wanted a classical tamil name and did a lot of searching before we chose this.. and enjoyed the process very much indeed :-)

  2. Congratulations!! I did wonder what happened to you. Your little one is a cutie pie.May god bless him.

    1. Thanks a lot Dr. Sonia.. It feels great that you had me in ur thoughts :-)

  3. Congratulations!! So happy for you and the little one.....he's gonna take over your life and fill it with lots of wonderful moments to treasure :) wishing all of you loads of happiness and good health !!

    1. Thanks so much for the sweet wishes Suman!!

  4. Congrats Esvee ! Wishing you and little one peaceful nights with sound sleep ;) !

    1. Ha ha. what we need most nowadays!! Thanks Pooja :-)

  5. Welcoming you and Nithilan with open arms into our lives and the blogosphere... Wish you both the very best there is and there could be..

    1. Thank you dear.. Waiting to see both li'l Ns playing together.. :) :)

  6. Congrats EsVee !! Happy to see you back.. your son is chooo cute and name too :)

    1. Thanx Radhika... I missed ur blog updates the most in blogosphere!! will steal a look soon when he permits!

  7. Congrats EsVee.. thought you would have given birth... very cute :)
    Moxie Craftie
