
Sunday, January 10, 2016

'Go Authentic' Contest...

Announcing the 'Go Authentic' Contest from BeadsnFashion...
This time we are trying to spot talent that can blend the traditional and the modern… All that you have to do is pick up a form of jewellery that is NOT VERY common nowadays but is/was very much a part of the tradition in your state/region/community/religion etc… And give it your touch! For e.g., your very own take on a ‘nath’ or ‘hasli’ or ‘bajuband’ or ‘hathphool’ or ‘oddiyaanam’ or ‘kaasumalai’… Sounds interesting?
To add more interest to the contest, there is a catch....
Read more at…/announcing-our-go-authenti…/ to find out more about the rules and prizes!!

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