
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Flowers with Thanks to Dr. Sonia

Hello all!! I'm back from a loooooong hiatus, thanks to Dr. Sonia.. She literally brought my blogging spirit back to life when she put in a comment in my previous post asking if everything was right :-) I just adore her for her time management and involvement with all her readers despite being a busy professional with an active kid at home!! KUDOS TO YOU MA'AM!!

Though I have not been blogging actively for the months past, I have been experimenting a lot with cooking and crafting too whenever I can steal time after my son sleeps (and everyone else too, for it usually gets past 1 or 2 at night!!). Yes, I really don't focus too much on photographing and blogging/recording things too much due to this time crunch but just manage to click a few pics with hubby's phone for memories' sake..Well, there's no stopping us crafters, right? :-)

That said, it is really becoming increasingly difficult for women to manage everything these days.. Work, home, child(ren), hobbies, relatives, guests, social circle and what not.. PHEW!! ;-).. So, here's a little bunch of handmade flowers for all the wonderful ladies and Dr. Sonia especially!

I die cut half A4 sheets of blue and teal felt, a pink jute sheet and a purple foam sheet to begin with.. Here, I have used Sizzix Tattered Florals die. Then, I layered the flowers with different combinations to check out what looks good. Once the combinations fell in place, I used a head pin and a bead for the center and glued the layers using hot glue (by melting a glue stick over a candle..I had bought the glue stick in an exhibition long back and it was lying unused till now!). Then applied distress inks (Worn lipstick, Evergreen Bough and Chipped Sapphire) around the edges of some of the flowers (lighter toned layers) to make em pop and voila.. done!

Will be posting more pics of my craft work and a few special new dishes that I tried (all in the past few weeks) in future posts.. but please do bear with the poor quality and raw, unedited or minimally edited pics.. Time is at a very high premium and I'd rather prefer to use it to finish those n projects that I always start but have to leave unfinished!!


  1. have made my heart a flutter...a blog post heading dedicated to me!! You made by day , no week no I think this post must me the highlight of my years in blogland!! Yes we are all pressed for time but a blog is like your personal space , a get away part of your own world and its always rosy there! I am so thrilled I induced you back to blogland!
    Dr Sonia
    Cards Crafts Kids Projects

    1. You truly deserve it Dr. Sonia! Thanks again for pulling me back to this space :-)

  2. beautiful flowers Esvee !! Yes Sonia is such a sweetheart....always there with an encouraging comment and sharing most generously !!

    1. Thanks Suman.. and I completely agree with you!

  3. beautiful flowers... love them... its nice how you have alternated the colors between the layers... I do agree Sonia is such a sweet person... her comments are always encouraging..

  4. Replies
    1. Oh my goodness!!! That is just ssssssso sweet of you Dr. Sonia.. I am just overwhelmed.. Thanks again so much, this time for introducing me to new blogger friends!!!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you very much!! I just happened to visit your blog and I must say, its a treasure.. thanks again!

  6. These flowers are lovely. Dr. Sonia is a treasure. I'm so glad she encouraged you. hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks so much Teresa!! I totally agree with you.. And what magic a little encouragement does!!

  7. The flowers are beautiful! I am glad you found a bit of time to share on your blog!

    1. Thanks a bunch!! I find that am enjoying the sharing part as much as I did while making them!!
