
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Thank you Berina!! I cook/click/craft therefore I am…

When Berina of Moxie Craftie wanted to tag me in a blog hop, I was so overcome with joy and agreed immediately..Thank you so much dear!!  But me being me, I completely forgot about it and totally missed her post tagging me :-o !!
But you know what,  I just found out that we are both alumni from the same college – College of Engineering, Guindy!
Dear friends…  blogging, blog competitions, giveaways and other events are definitely helping us get to know people with similar interests and passions..  We do not merely get introduced to each other but get to identify with each other! I always read the “About Me” page when I visit a blog the first time and have drawn inspiration from so many of you…  I really wonder at the talent and creativity  you all have.. and more so about how you manage home+kids+work+hobbies/interests so beautifully J

As for me, I am an engineer-turned-bureaucrat-cum-new mom who enjoys cooking, baking, jewellery making, paper crafting, photography, playing with her son J.. . Here’s more…

I hail from Tamil Nadu, have ancestors from Karnataka and live in Uttar Pradesh… so the language , culture and  food at home are influenced a lot by these states.

I am a member of the Indian Administrative Service and I work in Uttar Pradesh. It has been six years in the services now and the experience has been very mixed so far.. ranging from extreme frustration to deep satisfaction (at times) and anything in between!

How I started blogging:
I guess I have had an innate interest in cooking..  I used to get very excited whenever my mom made a new dish even as a child. And now, not a week passes by without trying out or at least reading about a new dish. I particularly started reading cookery blogs voraciously when one of my postings was giving me a tough time, leaving me feeling low almost every day...  Reading a new post of a favourite blogger became a daily activity, something I started looking forward to at the end of the day rather than lamenting about the day’s events. Slowly, it developed into an interest in starting a blog  myself … which I did shortly J

What do I blog about:
As the tagline on the masthead says,

(I cooked and clicked these long back but couldn't get time to post the recipes)




What inspires me:
Nature, colours, outdoors, geometry, folk art, people-watching,  good poetry, fellow bloggers, family members’ taste buds, my husband  J ..  And not the least, the process of creation itself!

When do I create:
Ideas and thoughts strike me randomly.. Most of the time I see a new interesting object or read about a new dish, my mind starts working on the umpteen possibilities.. for e.g.,  when I see my son’s toys, ideas strike me as to how I would up cycle them after he outgrows them. And this thought process sometimes comes in a flood’s pace, completely distracting me from a conversation, leaving the husband annoyed  :-D

Favorites in blogosphere:
I love reading/surfing blogs on cooking, baking, cake decoration, crafting in general, card making,  jewellery making, home décor, art, etc

I want to tag:

I would love to tag two of my favourite bloggers.. One is Sheetal of MFDT whom I know personally. She is a GREAT source of inspiration and a true blue optimist.  Another is Radhika of Hobby Crafts who is one gem of a blogger. I extremely adore her originality and versatility..  So, over to them now!


  1. Was fun reading about you ...and hehe I already beat you in tagging Radhika...already tagged her quite some time back!

    1. Ha ha.. guess this is a side effect of me not being regular on blogger! Will link this to her post if she says yes :)

  2. Yes Esvee i was already tagged by Dr Sonia and Thanks for the great words am honored :) ..Happy to see your post EsVee.. Lovely reading about you your super clicks and dishes..

    1. You deserve it Radhika.. keep going!! Thanks.. what do u say.. shall i link this to ur post abt u?

  3. Hi EsVee.. nice to know about you :) and I'm very happy to find another CEG aluminus :) Which year did you pass out of CEG?
    Moxie Craftie
