
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Date Almond Milkshake

Prep time : 5 min               Cooking time: 0 min                        Serves : 2

Date almond milkshake

Here's one more chiller loaded with nutrients and goodness in the form of dates, almonds, apples, milk turned into a delectable drink.. And what more, it has a dash of chocolate for enticing kids too into taking the first sip, luring them into asking for more...


Milk - 1 1/2glasses
Dates - a handful, hulled and chopped
Almonds (Badam) - 7-8, soaked for an hour and skin removed (you can leave it on if u want, like i did)
Apple - 1, skinned , deseeded and chopped roughly
Chocolate syrup - 2 tbsp
Sugar - to taste


In a blender, add just half a cup of milk and the rest of the ingredients and blend to a smooth paste. Then add the rest of the milk and stir well. Chill in the refrigerator for half an hour or so. Serve in tall glasses with crushed ice or vanilla ice cream or a dash of chocolate syrup with finely chopped almonds on top, if desired. Am sure the recipient would ask this to be made often :)

date almond milkshake