
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Four-ingredient Mutton Curry

Prep time:  5 min           Cooking time: 15 min                         Serves : 4

Making non-vegetarian dishes usually involves a lot of preparation  - peeling pearl onions and garlic, grinding fresh ginger garlic paste, chopping loads of onions and tomatoes, grinding masala paste, et al. All this labour mean non-vegetarian dishes being usually reserved for Sundays. So, when my mother-in-law told me about this simple mutton curry with very little prep and no ginger-garlic, I was surprised and even wary of trying it fearing that the taste might be traded off for all the effort saved. But when I did try, what a pleasant surprise it turned out to be!
Without further ado, here is the recipe:


Mutton - 1/2 kg, cut into small pieces and washed
Onions - 3, cut length-wise
Cumin seeds (jeera) - 3tbsp
Red chillies (dried) - 6-7 depending on your taste


Grind the cumin seeds and red chillies together into a fine powder. It will yield around 4 heaped tablespoons. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pressure cooker and add the sliced onion. Saute lightly and then add the washed and drained mutton pieces. Fry together for 2-3 minutes till the mutton changes color (indicating the beginning of it getting cooked). Now, add around 3 tbsp of the ground powder and mix until all the pieces are coated evenly. Add salt as per taste and 1/2 cup water. Now close the cooker and let it cook until 4-5 whistles i.e until mutton would be well cooked. After cooling naturally (letting steam go on its own), open the lid, add the rest 1 tbsp powder and let the curry simmer for 2 minutes. Garnish with coriander leaves if desired and serve hot with cooked rice or chapatis.

So, when are you going to give it a try? 

P.S: This curry can also be used to make a one-pot dish. While adding the last tbsp of powder, u can add 2 cups of washed and drained rice along with required amount of water and let it cook till done.


  1. try this with chicken for my sake...

  2. Well, just saw your comments on my blog, Welcome!!Am still still hooked on to your blog and have gone thru so many posts. love your recipes and the PICS!!
